John Randal Kopp

Defending Your Rights, Protecting Your Future

Criminal defense

How serious is a shoplifting charge?

Shoplifting – called “retail theft” in Illinois – is a specific type of theft involving taking merchandise from a retail establishment without payment. As with other types of theft, the severity of the charge depends on the value of the stolen goods. If convicted of...

What grounds do police need to have to pull you over?

Every driver knows the fear and dread that comes with seeing flashing lights in your rearview mirror. When you get pulled over, even if you feel you’ve done nothing wrong, you’re in a situation of imbalanced power. The police have all the authority in that moment....

What is the penalty for a Class X felony? 

A Class X felony is the most serious felony you can commit in Illinois. If convicted of a Class X felony, the judge must sentence you to a minimum number of years in jail. With other categories of certain felony convictions, the judge may have discretion to provide an...

How could Chicago’s new policy impact police foot chases?

The ways police handle their duties have come under more scrutiny over the last few years. Recent deaths and questionable practices have led to politicians and officers creating new policies to keep more people safer. Earlier this year, in response to a couple of last...

What does the resentencing initiative mean for Illinois inmates?

What to do with people convicted of crimes has been hotly debated among lawmakers and citizens alike. There seem to be perpetual disagreements on the goals for people sent to prison and, more objectively, how much time is “enough.” The Cook County State’s Attorney,...

Does using marijuana impact my right to carry a gun?

There are many reasons you may be considering getting a permit to carry a firearm. For some, it is about protecting yourself; for others, it is simply about exercising a constitutional right. Now that Illinois has joined the increasing number of states that have...

Remember that the police do not have to be honest with you

The police may expect you to be honest with them, but this does not work both ways. No matter how honest they appear to be, always remember that they are allowed to lie to you. Why would they do so? The most common reason is that they're trying to get a confession....

What you should know about orders for protection

It can be so easy for a simple argument to get taken out of context or turn into something you did not expect. A disagreement can quickly turn into charges and a complex legal situation. Often, when there are domestic violence charges, an order for protection is not...

How an attorney can help you protect your rights

Facing criminal charges can be an embarrassing experience. You do not want to be in your situation, and you may not want to ask for help, either. You also know that getting legal help can add more expenses to an already-costly situation. For many, it can seem like...

Can using a fake ID be considered identity theft?

When you are trying to fit in with another crowd, a year or two can be a significant age difference. While your new friends can get into clubs and bars, you could be stuck on the sidelines with a fear of missing out. It could seem like getting a fake ID could be the...

