John Randal Kopp

Defending Your Rights, Protecting Your Future

Mount A Vigorous Defense Of Your Freedom And Reputation When Charged With A Sex Crime

Allegations or criminal charges over claims of sex offenses are harmful from the very moment they are attached to someone’s name. If an investigation is underway or if you have been arrested on suspicion of committing a sex crime, you could lose your job and experience many other negative consequences even before meeting with a prosecutor.

At Kopp Law, attorney Kopp is committed to supporting every client’s constitutional rights and best interests. Attorney Kopp is a former prosecutor, a long-time litigator and a determined champion for the accused.

Understand The Charges Against You And Fight For Your Future

At , you can find help and hope when accused of a sex offense such as the following:

  • Criminal sexual assault involving penetration by force or without consent, possibly targeting minor family members
  • Criminal sexual abuse
  • Aggravated criminal sexual assault involving a weapon, bodily harm, threatening behaviors or the use of “date rape drugs” of any kind,
  • Predatory criminal sexual assault of a child
  • Sexual relations within families
  • Domestic violence, domestic assault, stalking or cyberstalking involving sexual abuse and/or threats of sexual assault
  • Prostitution (providing or soliciting services)
  • Solicitation of a minor

The list of possible sex crime charges above is not exhaustive. If you have been named in an investigation or arrest in connection with any of these or similar crimes, you have no time to waste. If you are convicted, you may face harsh penalties including:

  • A lengthy jail or prison sentence
  • Sex offender registry
  • Stiff fines
  • Banishment from being able to take your children to school or be around children anywhere

Every case is unique and other types of penalties may also be imposed on you. With a skilled defense lawyer on your side, you may find a path forward that does not result in a criminal record or sex offender registration requirements.

What To Do While Your Case Is Pending

The less you say to anyone but your attorney, the better. In an initial consultation with attorney Kopp, you will be able to explore legal options and learn about possible defenses, including:

  • Reviewing the allegations in detail
  • Researching the background of the accuser(s) in search of credibility defects
  • Exploring noncriminal resolutions that may be available to you

To schedule a consultation with attorney Kopp about your sex crime charges, call 630-749-2919 or send an email inquiry.