John Randal Kopp

Defending Your Rights, Protecting Your Future

We Can Help You Stand Up Against Drug Charges

A drug crime conviction can permanently tarnish your criminal record, affecting your eligibility for future opportunities in employment, education and more. To respond to charges that hold so much of your life at stake, you need a lawyer you can trust to defend you in court. When you work with me, John Kopp, you can expect to have access tp the experience and skills to build an effective case in your favor.

We Know The Law, And We Can Protect Your Rights, Making Sure They Don’t Get Overlooked

In Illinois, most drug charges are felonies. It is a crime to knowingly possess illegal substances like heroin, cocaine and opioids, and controlled substances such as marijuana, whether you had the intention to distribute them or not. However, if there is evidence to prove that you were planning on selling or delivering the drugs to other people, the severity of your potential punishment increases. Possession of drugs with intent to deliver is a serious charge that can be leveled against you based solely on the quantity of substances you possessed. You could also face these charges (or more severe trafficking charges) based on the presence of drug-measuring scales, bags, ledgers and other evidence of distribution.

Although the amount and the type of substance does impact your possible penalties, most convictions result in having to pay fines of up to $25,000 as well as spending time in prison. Depending on your criminal history, you may be eligible for certain alternative programs such as special probation (sometimes referred to as 710 or 1410 probation), or drug court, which, in addition to getting you out of jail, can help you avoid a criminal taint on your record altogether. No matter the probable outcome, you can rely on criminal attorney John Kopp‘s experience as a former prosecutor to challenge any unwarranted or exaggerated allegations being pointed at you.

Turn To A Geneva Drug Crimes Attorney

Regardless of the type of drug charge you are facing, it is essential to get legal guidance to understand your rights and the potential penalties you are facing. You can schedule a initial consultation with me, attorney John Kopp, by calling 630-749-2919 or by filling out this contact form.

If you are unable to make your way to the Geneva office, I can arrange to meet with you at a space in Chicago or in a surrounding suburb. I make myself available to help those facing drug charges so they can be assured they are getting committed legal support.