Keep Your Past From Destroying Your Future: Expunging And Sealing Of Criminal Records
Having a criminal record, even when it is buried deep in your past, can affect your ability to get into school, to get a job or to obtain a license. Many people are not aware that something they did years ago can prevent them from doing what they want to do today.
If your criminal record is preventing you from getting the job or training you need, I can help. As a former prosecutor, I understand the process from both sides. I use this insight to determine whether your record is eligible for expungement or sealing and then file petitions with the court on your behalf.
- Expungement means your criminal record is completely destroyed physically, with your name removed from any public records.
- Sealing means your records will still exist, but only law enforcement, the courts and a few other entities will be able to view them without a court order. With few exceptions, most employers will not be able to see a sealed record.
Whether you’re looking to expunge or seal your record, I, attorney John Kopp, can make sure you have the best possible chance of success.
Work With An Experienced Attorney
The expungement process is much more complicated than filling out a form. It can be extremely difficult to expunge or seal a criminal record in Illinois without the help of an attorney who understands all aspects of the process. One crime in your background can affect your ability to get another one expunged.
If you are eligible for criminal record expungement, I will make sure you follow all the required guidelines and procedures. Many people who cannot expunge their records can still seal their records. I, John Kopp will advise you on the options available to you.
To Start The Process, Call For A Consultation
The entire process may take up to three months to complete, so if you have an urgent need to have your record cleared, call Kopp Law sooner rather than later. To schedule an appointment, contact our Geneva office at 630-749-2919 or use this online form.
I will advise you on your options and walk you through the process to ensure you have the best possible chance of receiving the outcome you desire. In the event that expungement or sealing is not possible, I will explain other options, including asking for a governor’s pardon.