John Randal Kopp

Defending Your Rights, Protecting Your Future

A Reckless Driving Conviction Is Serious. Let Us Help You.

Acts of frustration behind the wheel, speeding or other violations can lead to reckless driving charges, an offense taken much more seriously than many other traffic violations. In Illinois, reckless driving is a Class A misdemeanor that can bring about harsh penalties, as well as leave a permanent mark on your criminal record. When facing these charges, it is important that you are represented by a lawyer who understands what’s at stake for you and can fight to diminish your potential consequences.

We Want To Protect Your Driving Privileges And Your Record

Based in Kane County, we at Kopp Law know the criteria for reckless driving, and we can challenge any unsupported charges pressed against you. Driving is considered reckless when the safety of others has been consciously disregarded, holding the driver accountable for any resulting injuries. Some actions that may constitute reckless driving include:

  • Aggressive speeding
  • Weaving in and out of traffic
  • Swerving
  • Racing another driver

Because of the irresponsibility associated with the offense, you could be expected to pay heavy fines, spend up to a full year in jail, as well as have your driving license suspended.

No matter how daunting the costs appear to be, we are prepared to fight for you. With attorney John Kopp‘s experience as a former prosecutor, we also have a leg up on knowing how to tackle your charges to potentially reduce your misdemeanor to a noncriminal offense.

Act On Your Charge Today

If you have been charged with reckless driving, you don’t have to wait to take action. Schedule a consultation with us today by calling 630-749-2919 or filling out our online contact form.

When you work with Kopp Law, you can expect personalized attention catered to meet your needs. Mr. Kopp’s flexible hours allow you to secure appointments that work best for your schedule. Additionally, if you are not able to travel to our office in Geneva, we can arrange to meet with you at your convenience, including in Chicago or in one of the surrounding suburbs.