John Randal Kopp

Defending Your Rights, Protecting Your Future

What to know about the driver’s license point system

On Behalf of | Apr 10, 2020 | Traffic Tickets | 0 comments

What Happens After Getting a Traffic Ticket?

Everyone tries to drive safely, but every now and then drivers make mistakes. Getting a traffic ticket may seem just an inconvenience. A day at the courthouse or an unexpected fine. 

Under the state’s point system, however, getting too many tickets may affect people’s driving privileges. 

How does the point system work? 

According to state law, drivers convicted of traffic violations have points assigned to their records by the state. The number of points assigned varies based on the violation. For example, drivers ticketed for operating a vehicle with registration plate covers may have 10 points assigned to their records. Tickets for leaving the scene of an accident resulting in injuries or traveling more than 25 mph over the posted limit, on the other hand, carry a penalty of 50 points. 

Can drivers lose their licenses for traffic violations? 

According to state law, when driver’s license points add up, it may lead to a suspension or revocation of people’s driving privileges. Those convicted of or who pay fines for three or more points-assigned traffic offenses within 12-months may have their driver’s licenses suspended or revoked. The duration of their suspension varies based on the number of points assigned to their records, as well as whether their licenses have been previously suspended within the past seven years. With few exceptions, the suspension duration schedule includes the following: 

  • A 2-month suspension for between 15 and 44 points 
  • A 3-month suspension for between 45 and 74 points 
  • A 6-month suspension for between 75 and 89 points 
  • A 9-month suspension for between 90 and 99 points 
  • A 12-month suspension for between 100 and 109 points 

Drivers with 110 points or more assessed to their records within a 12-month period may have their licenses revoked. 

