John Randal Kopp

Defending Your Rights, Protecting Your Future

DUI Defense

The high cost of driving under the influence of marijuana

While we all know that you should not drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol, sometimes mistakes happen. One mistake should not mean the end of your driving privileges or your clean record. If law enforcement arrests you for driving under the influence of...

3 things to know about field sobriety tests

Getting pulled over while driving is an intimidating experience. The police officer is in a position of power. You don’t want to make things worse for yourself by being uncooperative or argumentative, but at the same time, you shouldn’t give up your rights. The less...

How a DUI can affect higher education pursuits

Formal enactment of The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 was on July 17, 1984. The new law forced states to comply or find their annual federal highway funding reduced by 10 percent at first before changes reduced that amount to eight percent in 2012....

One drink may be more than you think

Whether you are going out to celebrate or cope with your latest exam, it can be challenging to keep track of how many drinks you can have while staying under the legal limit. It can be incredibly challenging since everyone metabolizes alcohol differently. You may have...

When could a DUI result in an ignition interlock?

It can be easy to underestimate how much you had to drink before getting behind the wheel. When you get stopped on your way home and wait for the officer to approach your car, you can start to worry if you had too much and what will happen next. Facing drunk driving...

What is an aggravated DUI?

Facing drunk driving charges can be stressful. In addition to the legal consequences, you could face problems at work and with your family. When a DUI turns into an aggravated DUI, the consequences start to add up quickly. While some may be able to move on from a DUI,...

Offering a safe way for friends to get home

While not everyone gets to enjoy a break for the summer, it is often the time when many people have outdoor parties and barbecues. The days are longer, and the nights cool off just enough to enjoy staying outside with friends and family. If you are hosting a party and...

Can I get a DUI on a boat?

As the weather warms up during the summer and the sun starts to brighten, many Illinois residents are ready to spend their evenings and weekends outdoors. While they may not be able to spend their entire summer free from everyday obligations, a certain liberty comes...

