John Randal Kopp

Defending Your Rights, Protecting Your Future

Can someone’s order for protection limit my ability to go to work?

On Behalf of | Nov 11, 2020 | Criminal defense, Domestic Abuse | 0 comments

Finding out someone has filed an order or protection against you can be upsetting. Not only has the alleged conflict escalated far beyond what you thought, dealing with an order for protection can have a significant impact on your life.

This is what you should know about how an order for protection could impact you at work.

Understand the type of order

In Illinois, there are three types of orders for protection. While the limitations are the same regardless of the order, the kind of order will tell you your rights to appear in court and how long the order will last. The types of orders in Illinois are:

  • Emergency. This is a short-term solution that is in effect as soon as the judge approves it. There is no requirement that you attend or know about the hearing, and the order can last up to 21 days.
  • Plenary. During a hearing for an emergency order, the court will typically set a date for a plenary order. Before a plenary order can be put in place, you must receive notice of the hearing. While you do not need to attend the hearing, often, if the alleged abuser does not appear, the court will grant the order. Plenary orders can last up to two years.
  • Interim. An interim order can last up to 30 days and is in effect from the time you are served with notice of a hearing for a plenary order.

Talk to your employer

It is essential to talk to your employer about any order of protection served against you. Although this may not be a conversation you want to have, your employer must know how the order could impact their business and your work.

Keep in mind that it is often not enough to hope you and the protected person do not cross paths. If you and the person who has filed the order work in the same place, your employer may need to reassign you or the alleged victim to satisfy the conditions.

If someone has filed an order or protection against you, it is critical to talk to a skilled professional to understand your rights.

