John Randal Kopp

Defending Your Rights, Protecting Your Future

Concerned citizen call leads to DUI traffic stop

On Behalf of | Sep 26, 2019 | DUI Defense | 0 comments

A 25-year-old Illinois man was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol after a 911 call from a concerned motorist led to a traffic stop. The Leland resident has also been charged with carrying a concealed gun while intoxicated and cited for failing to maintain a single lane according to the Kane County Sheriff’s Office.

The concerned motorist is said to have called 911 at approximately 11:15 p.m. on Sept. 7 to report a white pickup truck being driven erratically in the vicinity of Peck Road and Route 64 in St. Charles. The caller allegedly told emergency operators that the truck was weaving in and out of moving traffic and cutting other vehicles off. The caller then remained behind the pickup truck until deputies arrived at the scene. Deputies say that they conducted a traffic stop after they also observed the pickup truck being driven dangerously.

Deputies claim that the man behind the wheel of the pickup truck admitted to consuming up to three alcoholic seltzer drinks before driving. He also allegedly told deputies that he was returning from a concert in Dundee and had a loaded firearm in the truck. The man was taken into custody after a breath test conducted at the scene allegedly indicated that his blood alcohol concentration was more than double the .08% legal limit. A subsequent breath test conducted at a KCSO facility is said to revealed the man’s BAC to be .153%

Attorneys with DUI defense experience may advise against making statements to law enforcement that could be proved false by toxicology tests. Attorneys may seek to reduce DUI penalties by telling prosecutors that their clients accept responsibility for their actions and are genuinely remorseful, but these arguments could be less persuasive if drunk driving suspects obstructed or attempted to deceive police.

