Defending You Against DUI Charges
The charge of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs carries severe penalties and can affect your ability to drive in the future. With good criminal defense representation, you can challenge DUI charges, as well as the State’s ability to revoke or suspend your driver’s license privileges.
Are You Going To Jail?
Without a strong defense during both your criminal trial and license suspension hearing, you could go to jail and lose your license . The penalties for drugged or drunk driving in Illinois are severe, including:
- First DUI offense: You can receive at least one year of license suspension, up to one year in prison and $2,500 in fines.
- Second offense: You can face at least five years without your license, at least five days in prison (and up to one year) or 240 hours of community service, and a $2,500 fine.
- Third offense: This is a felony carrying at least 10 years of license suspension, 18 months in prison (and up to seven years in prison) and a $25,000 fine.
There may also be requirements to attend DUI classes after, a victim impact panel and hundreds of hours of community service. There are defenses available and ways to minimize the penalties you face.
Will You Lose Your License?
There are two sides to a DUI case: the criminal case and the suspension of your driver’s license. To protect your criminal record, your freedom and your driving privileges, hire a lawyer with substantial experience in both. Attorney John R. Kopp has gone to court on several hundred DUI and license hearings, including many hearings as a prosecutor. He knows how the prosecutors approach these cases and is prepared to offer a strong defense against them.
Defenses Against Illinois DUIs
Mr. Kopp understands the requirements and burdens upon the state to prove its case against you, such as results from Breathalyzer and field sobriety tests. There are many technical processes involved that require legal experience to decipher. Mr. Kopp has the knowledge and experience to challenge the state’s evidence, including asking these questions:
- Was there a Breathalyzer or field sobriety test? If the police officer stopped you and told you he saw some bad driving and he can smell alcohol, that alone may not be enough evidence to find you guilty.
- If there was a Breathalyzer test, was it accurate? Challenges to Breathalyzer tests are difficult and highly technical. Mr. Kopp has substantial experience with Breathalyzers and is not afraid of challenging the science behind them.
- Did the officer follow all procedures? Were his or her observations correct? If not, you may have a defense.
Protect Your License With A Strong Defense
When you face a DUI charge, it is important to act quickly. We can meet you in the evenings or on weekends in a location that is convenient for you, whether that is our office in Geneva, our meeting spaces in Chicago or elsewhere in Kane County.
Every case is unique and deserves a well-thought-out defense. We’ll take a fine-tooth comb to the facts of your case and determine the defenses available to you. Call Kopp Law at 630-749-2919 or send us an email to arrange a consultation.